About the Foundation

Our Mission

The Sordoni Family Foundation is a private charitable foundation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The Foundation supports other non-profit organizations that focus on arts and culture, economic development, education, health and human services and nature and the environment. The Foundation has a geographical emphasis on Northeastern Pennsylvania and does not provide grants to individuals. The Foundation occasionally conceives and develops its own programs at qualified host institutions.

Our History

The Sordoni Family Foundation is a legacy organization having its genesis in an earlier foundation incorporated in Pennsylvania on August 12, 1946, by the late Andrew J. Sordoni, members of his immediate and lineal family, close associates and advisors, in the name of The Andrew J. Sordoni Foundation, Incorporated. The foundation’s name was first changed to Sordoni Foundation, Inc., effective November 2, 2001 and continued as such through 2012. During 2013 the assets and liabilities of the foundation were effectively distributed in equal parts to two new foundations, The Sordoni Family Foundation and the Andrew J. Sordoni Foundation.

Our Directors

Matthew R. Sordoni

Andrew J. Sordoni III

William E. Sordoni

Jonathan P. Sordoni

Margaret S. Morris